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Firewall Port Requirements for Lotus Protector for Mail Security 2.5.1 * Firewall Port Requirements for Lotus Protector for Mail Encryption * Page 2: Deploying Domino 8.5.x servers * Smarter collaboration for the education industry using Lotus Connections, Part 3: Use Profiles to share research interests and grant awards * Keyboard issues when running Notes 8.5.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.5 and 10.6.6 * Lotus Notes Client crashes on particular emails * Known limitations with Apple Devices and Lotus Notes Traveler * DAOS error: "The DAOS enabled database xxx was deleted (or is missing). Resync DAOS to clean up its object references. " * Obsolete Notes.ini variables * Notes.inis H - I * Notes.inis J - K - L * Notes.inis C - D * Notes.inis W - Z * Domino Designer / : Native OS Type field for Dialog List field * Domino Designer / : Native OS Type field for Dialog List field * Domino Designer / : Lotus Notes should have a command, "Copy as select table." * Domino Designer / : Lotus Notes should have a command, "Copy as select table." * Domino Designer / : Lotus Notes has command, "Copy as select table." Is it possible to add this command in LotusScript? If it is, then how would I do this? * Domino Designer / : Lotus Notes has command, "Copy as select table." There should have a such Method (command) in LotusScript. * Domino Designer / : Lotus Notes has command, "Copy as select table." There should have a such method (command) in LotusScript NotesUiView Class. * Domino Designer / : Develop Lotus Domino Applications Quickly * Samples of REST and JSON Usage in XPages * LotusLive / : OpenID for https://www.ibm.com * Notes Client / Other: Option "do not search in CreatedBy field" in Contacts (for example) * LotusLive / : Fix context menu issue in iNotes * Idea Jam / Other: Easy way to add an idea to 'My Favorites' * Domino Administrator / Admin Tools: Change Archive Settings Critera to include different server destinations. * Domino