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LO53389: NOTES CLIENT CANNOT OPEN EMBEDDED OLE OBJECT CORRECTLY. * LO53433: "ERROR 582 - NOT AUTHORIZED" SETTING READ/UNREAD MARKS THROUGH NOTES API FUNCTION NSFDBSETUNREADNOTETABLE * Core generates on the server process after shutdown * Domino is crashing Freeing BBlockQueueRemove * New Quick Resource Reservation button in ND7 * Spell Checker does not work for UPPERCASE letters or words with numbers * Notes Client / Other: Select Category option in Views to tick all documents within a category and sub-categories * Notes Client / Other Database Applications: Create an AppStore for $1.99 apps * Idea Jam / Other: Prevent IdeaJam from accepting ideas from intoxicted Geek * Guru Guidance: Some great OpenNTF project coverage by Julian Robichaux * Special Podcast: Introducing the OpenNTF Mobile Controls * Domino Directory Independence: Nirvana or Anchovies? * Lotus Notes Cannot be Pinned to Windows 7 Task Bar * Do you use the Lotus iNotes Home page? if so, how? * If you've bought into IBM Portal... * And Finally, I Get My Eclair | Blog * New article: Back to basics with Notes