Вышел новый выпуск рассылки "Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 364 от 2010-07-30". Он доступен по адресу: http://subscribe.ru/archive/comp.soft.prog.lotuscodestore/201007/30141535.html Краткое содержание выпуска: LO48883: INVALID ARGUMENT IS SET AT TCPIP=TCP, 0, 15, 0,,32, WHEN SETUP DOMINO SERVER WITH NETWORK COMPRESSION ENABLED. * LO48795: NOTES HOTFIX DID NOT INSTALL. ERROR ENCOUNTERED WHILE INSTALLING NOTES CORE HOTFIX COMPONENT. * Open Mic Q&A: Customizing the Notes Install Kit - July 21, 2010 * IBM Lotus Server.Load: The new IBM Lotus Sametime workloads * Quick start guide to IBM Lotus Domino Server.Load V8 * Notes Client Tips and FAQs for former Outlook Users and Executive Admins * Meeting documents no longer display in Meetings view of Calendar * 'Error: You are not authorized to perform that operation ID Vault' * Domino Server / Messaging router: SMTP Forwarding Host: Allow multiple forwarding hosts * Domino Designer / : Default action for a