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Error: 'Router: Message...contains no recipients' displays on console * Domino Server backup using Netbackup failing regularly. It fails when it trying to take backup of statrep.nsf particularly. * Correction to the topic Setting the authentication type from the Lotus(R) Notes(R) Help. * Domino Designer / : Drag'n'drop to shift items in Domino Designer 8.5 working set * IQJam / : In the Web Service provide a list of idea spaces / subspaces * Domino Designer / : Redesign Working Sets From The Ground Up FOR Notes! * New Release: File Explorer with Support for Favorites and Comp Apps * Notes Client / Other: Automatically switch to workspace page * Domino Designer / : Suggest a type when defining a variable * Domino Designer / : single font option for rich text * Restoring IBM Lotus Domino data from a decommissioned Domino server * Lotus Domino R8.5.1: I Promise NEVER To Do Server Maintenance On Friday The 13th * Restoring an attachment a guber deleted when using DAOS (the manual way) * Sametime Awareness in the Notes Client * Quickr Domino 8.2 FP5 and HF4 available * Do you use the iNotes mode switcher? * CommonTime mNotes Wireless price slashed * IBM Offers Symphony on Keepod USB Devices * New Car Ordered | Blog