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Reference Card: IBM Lotus iNotes 8.5.1 Reference Card for Ultra-light Mode * iNotes_WA_CachedNames * iNotes_WA_PrefetchDocuments * Changes to the Lotus iNotes type-ahead feature in 8.5.1 * iNotes_WA
_PortalStylesheet * iNotes_WA_Quickr * iNotes_WA_OpenOtherWithUiArgs * iNotes_WA_DisableRecodeMIMECharset * iNotes_WA_Quickr_Feed_Page_Size * iNotes_WA_EnableNewMailForMultiPortal * TRANSLOG_MAX_ARCHIVE_EXTENTS * NSF_DONT_LOG_MAILBOX_BODY * iNotes_WA_PreferNameForContacts * iNotes_WA_Feeds * iNotes_WA_NameTypeaheadStartTimeout * iNotes_WA_FormsTLMCheck * iNotes_WA_FeedsSecured * iNotes_WA_NameTypeaheadWaitTimeout * iNotes_WA_NoPortServerArchive * iNotes_WA_NoWebmail * iNotes_WA_OnlineMeetingProtocol * iNotes_WA_OpenElementNoStore * iNotes_WA_PortalLogout * iNotes_WA_PortalOffline * Server Hangs During LZ1 to Huffman Conversion * New Spell Check does not detect duplicates * If signature is preceded by a blank line, spell check may not find misspelled words above the signature * Supplemental Medical spelling dictionary is not supported due to third party software limitation * No file menu option to create new replica of XPages application using Notes * XPages: Why does a script saved with errors continue to function in some cases? * Receiving delivery failure "Your domain does not have access to route messages to the specified domain" for a domain you are not restricted to send mail to * Can the default directory where the "update" task rebuilds views be changed? * Using the auto-codepage feature of IBM Lotus Connector for Oracle 8.x * Default view for mail database opens instead of bookmarked private view in Notes 8.5 Standard * Context-sensitive toolbars in Lotus Notes 8 has missing or duplicate toolset icons * Lotus iNotes Notes.ini Settings - General Settings * Lotus iNotes Notes.ini Settings Task Table * Lotus iNotes Notes.ini Settings Task Table - Mail * Clicking dialog that is partly off the screen could make the dialog disappear * Notes Instant Message m